Lawyer (yep-a-dee-yep, I used to write things people never read) turned Brand and Copy Strategist, and Word-ucator for brands like you, who want to ZIG when others zag.
Hi, I'm Anita!
Objective of a Home, About, Services, and Product page
No, your website isn’t just a dumping ground for ALL the info. With attention span decreasing to 8 seconds, y’all are gonna want to make sure the copy on each of your respective pages are intentional, strategic, and executed with precision. In this episode, I dive into the PURPOSE of each of the top 5 pages on a website: Home, About Us, Services, Product, Start Here.
Biz + Brand Strategist | Copywriter | Worducator | Speaker | Host of Brandfetti |, Creator of Wordfetti – a brand, copywriting, and marketing resource hub and home for brands that don’t do normal.