Lawyer (yep-a-dee-yep, I used to write things people never read) turned Brand and Copy Strategist, and Word-ucator for brands like you, who want to ZIG when others zag.
Hi, I'm Anita!
This Is the Worst Copywriting Advice I’ve Heard
Over the years, I’ve heard a lotta “ick” copywriting advice. In this episode, I share perhaps one of the BIGGEST icks that I believe could be hazard-cone-ing a lot of businesses. Prompting more second-guessing, instead of creative, original, idea exploration.
Here’s what we cover in this episode:
The worst copywriting advice I’ve ever heard.
How to tweak your copy and content.
Reconsidering messaging and communicating offers.
The importance of having a conversion-ready landing page.
Biz + Brand Strategist | Copywriter | Worducator | Speaker | Host of Brandfetti |, Creator of Wordfetti – a brand, copywriting, and marketing resource hub and home for brands that don’t do normal.