Lawyer (yep-a-dee-yep, I used to write things people never read) turned Brand and Copy Strategist, and Word-ucator for brands like you, who want to ZIG when others zag.
Hi, I'm Anita!
How Targeted Messaging x3 Our Recent Email Campaign
In this episode, I’m going to take you behind the scenes of a recent email campaign we did at Wordfetti. We’ve run campaigns like this before, but this time around, we ended up tripling (x3) our results by doing something a little bit different. I’ll share with you our exact strategy here.
Here’s what we cover in this episode:
Email templates for digital course creators and ecommerce business owners
Biz + Brand Strategist | Copywriter | Worducator | Speaker | Host of Brandfetti |, Creator of Wordfetti – a brand, copywriting, and marketing resource hub and home for brands that don’t do normal.