Lawyer (yep-a-dee-yep, I used to write things people never read) turned Brand and Copy Strategist, and Word-ucator for brands like you, who want to ZIG when others zag.
Hi, I'm Anita!
I’m Back! Brandfetti New Look and What’s Been Going On
Guess who’s back! Back again. After a lil reset, Brandfetti is BACK for a brand new delicious season. In this episode, I’ll share with you what’s been going on the last 2 months, what to expect, and how YOU can contribute to what you hear on these episodes.
Here’s what we cover in this episode:
Launching Wordfetti Your Words
The beauty in the surrender
The realisation of how hard it is to be successful
7:31 – 9:40
The challenges in switching off from business over a period of time
Biz + Brand Strategist | Copywriter | Worducator | Speaker | Host of Brandfetti |, Creator of Wordfetti – a brand, copywriting, and marketing resource hub and home for brands that don’t do normal.