Lawyer (yep-a-dee-yep, I used to write things people never read) turned Brand and Copy Strategist, and Word-ucator for brands like you, who want to ZIG when others zag.
Hi, I'm Anita!
How Not to Find Your Brand Voice
“Conversational”, “friendly” are NOT a brand voice. In this episode, I dive into the biggest mistakes businesses makes when it comes to “finding their brand voice” and some key lessons to take note of if you are currently in the thick of trying to find your unique voice.
Here’s what we cover in this episode:
The problem with people who don’t know their brand voice
How not to find your brand voice
Difference between brand voice and tone of voice
How to create a brand voice profile
6:57 – 7:51
Resonating with your audience
7:52 – 9:18
Taking time to look around for possible competitors
Biz + Brand Strategist | Copywriter | Worducator | Speaker | Host of Brandfetti |, Creator of Wordfetti – a brand, copywriting, and marketing resource hub and home for brands that don’t do normal.